Terms and conditions

By using the website www.influ4umedia.com (including accessing, browsing and buying products from this website) it is considered that you have read, understood and fully accepted the terms and conditions presented below, with all the effects and consequences arising from it. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, you have the option to stop using the site immediately.

www.influ4umedia.com – Societatea Comerciala INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL, organized under Romanian law, with headquarters in Bucharest, Sector 1, Str. Intrarea fulgerului 3-5, apartment 7, CUI.: 39946900, Reg. Com. J40/14154/2018, which administers the website www.influ4umedia.com

WEBSITE – The www.influ4umedia.com domain and its subdomains; through www.influ4umedia.com , the user has access to information on the services and products offered by INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL. The information published on www.influ4umedia.com is of general interest about INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL., the products and services sold by it, as well as other types of information considered to be of interest to users. The information is made available to users free of charge, INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL being the holder of all intellectual property rights over the site, respectively over its design and content. The user undertakes to access and use the site for purposes and by means that do not constitute abusive use.


all the information on the website that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using a digital device;

information related to the products, services and/or rates applied by INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL  in a certain period;

information related to the products, services and/or tariffs practiced by a third party with which INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL has concluded partnership contracts, during a certain period;

any information communicated to the user by any means by an employee or collaborator of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL;

data relating to INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL, or other privileged data of this company.


The entire content of the website www.influ4umedia.com, including images, texts, animations, programs, scripts and any other data, is the property of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL and is protected according to Law no. 8/1996 regarding copyright and related rights, with subsequent amendments and additions. The use without the written consent of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL of any elements listed above is punishable according to the laws in force. To report problems related to intellectual property rights, please contact us in writing at the email address: contact@influ4umedia.com


INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL does not guarantee that the site, the servers on which it is hosted, or the emails sent from www.influ4umedia.com are free of viruses or other potentially harmful computer components, that they do not contain errors, omissions, defects, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, line failures or any other similar factors. The user uses the site at his own risk, www.influ4umedia.com being free from any liability for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use or access/visiting of the site or as a result of the use of the information on the site. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL is not responsible for errors or omissions that may occur in the drafting or presentation of materials on the website.

INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL does not assume responsibility for the product descriptions presented on the website www.influ4umedia.com, these being made available to INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL by the suppliers.

The information included on axaproiect.com is informative and is made available in good faith, from sources that the Seller considers reliable. In the event that any of the published articles or any other information falls under the scope of the Law on copyright and related rights, the User is asked to bring this fact to the knowledge of the Seller at the contact@influ4umedia.com address, so that the necessary legal measures can be taken.

The opinions expressed in the materials that are published in the literary blog, cultural community and reviews sections are fully assumed by the authors of the respective materials and do not imply the joint responsibility of www.influ4umedia.com

www.influ4umedia.com reserves the right to cancel Orders for Products and Services that are displayed on the site as a result of technical errors, or that, due to technical errors, present obviously erroneous/derisive prices for products (prices that can any buyer with an average level of training considers them to be erroneous/derisory).

www.influ4umedia.com, as the organizer of promotional campaigns, does not assume responsibility for the loss or damage of the campaign voucher, is not responsible for forged or damaged vouchers and reserves the right to cancel the voucher used for purchase or reduce its value from the amount to be reimbursed, in the case of the return according to the law, of a product participating in the respective campaign.

Any links to other sites are offered only for the purpose of increased accessibility of information, and www.mamaonline.ro does not assume any responsibility or liability for the content of these sites, for the products or services promoted or sold through these websites.


The users of the website www.influ4umedia.com can make comments and any other communications, they can send suggestions, questions or information, if their language is civilized, and the content of the communications is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, does not disturb in any way like other people’s private lives, does not violate intellectual property rights, does not contain viruses, does not serve promotional campaigns that are not related to www.influ4umedia.com, is not mass emails or any other form of spam. People who will use a false e-mail address or send electronic messages or any other communications in the name of another natural or legal person or in the name of any other entity will be reported to the competent bodies. www.influ4umedia.com does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any kind of compensation for any kind of damage caused by such communications.

In the case of sending or displaying materials/documents involving texts, replies, reviews, etc., formulated by Users, it is considered that the respective User guarantees their originality and grants www.influ4umedia.com and its affiliates/associates the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable right and transmissible to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, as well as the right to distribute, to present these contents anywhere in the world, by any means. The user guarantees that he has all the rights to the content that he displays or transmits on the site, by any means, so that, by using this content, he does not cause damage to any third-party physical or legal entity.


2.1. This document establishes the terms and conditions of use of the site / content / service by the user, in case he does not have another valid user agreement concluded with INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL.

2.2. The use, including but not limited to, accessing, visiting and viewing the content / service, implies the user’s adherence to the Terms and Conditions and the assumption of the obligation to permanently monitor the Terms and Conditions which can be updated, modified and supplemented at any time by the owner site administrator.

2.3. By using the site / content / service, the user is solely responsible for all activities arising from it. Also, the user is responsible for any material, intellectual or electronic damages or any other kind caused to the website, the content, the service ofINFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL, or any third party with whom INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL has concluded contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.

2.4. If the user does not agree and/or does not accept and/or revokes the consent given for this document, he will send an email to the address contact@influ4umedia.com specifying that:

2.5. The user can revert at any time on his decision not to agree and/or not accept the document, in the form in which it will be available at that time.

2.6. To exercise the right provided for in art 2.5, the user can contact INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL or use the links in the content received from INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL intended for this purpose.


3.1. The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the site, is the exclusive property of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL, it being reserved all the rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through licenses for use and/or publication). The images presented on the site are only for example, and the products and services delivered may differ from them in any way, due to changes in the characteristics and design without prior notification by the manufacturers. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL reserves the right to complete and modify any information on the website.

3.2. The user is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and/or alter, use, link to, display, include any content in any context other than the one originally intended by INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL, include any content in outside the INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL website, removing the signs signifying the copyright of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL on the content as well as participating in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the content, except with the express consent of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL.

3.3. Any content to which the user has and/or obtains access by any means is subject to the document entitled Terms and Conditions, if the content is not accompanied by a specific and valid user agreement concluded between INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL and it, and without any implicit or express guarantee from INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL with reference to that content.

3.4. The user can copy, transfer and/or use content only for personal and non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the provisions of this document.

3.5. If INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL grants the user the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, certain content, to which the user has or obtains access following this agreement, this right extends only to that or those contents defined in the agreement, only during the period of its existence or these contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the defined conditions.

3.6. No content transmitted to the user, through any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and/or viewing does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL and/or the employee or collaborator of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL that mediated the transfer of content, if it exists, in relation to that content.

3.7. Any use of the content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the document entitled Terms and Conditions or by the user agreement that accompanies it, if it exists, is prohibited.

Contact for customers and members

4.1. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL publishes complete and correct user identification and contact data on the website.

4.2. Accessing the site, using the information presented within it, visiting the pages or sending emails or notifications addressed to INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL is carried out electronically, by telephone, or through any other means of communication available to the user and INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL, thus considering that it consents to receive notifications from INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL in electronic and/or telephone mode, including communications by e-mail or through announcements on the website.

Products and services

5.1. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL publishes on the website information about products, services and/or promotions practiced by it or by any other third party with which INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL has concluded contracts or partnership agreements, within a certain period and within the limits of technical possibilities existing. The user can place orders for products sold at a given time by phone, by e-mail or at an established address (by appointment).

5.2. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL offers the client the opportunity to make, free of charge, a change compared to the project presented on www.influ4umedia.com.

5.3. The modification will be established by mutual agreement between the client and the company, without structurally affecting the initially ordered type project. If the modification structurally affects the type project initially ordered, the company reserves the right to charge additionally for the interventions performed.

5.4. The products and/or services purchased through the service are intended exclusively for personal use by the user. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL can limit the ability to purchase some products or services available on the site at a given time, to one or more users, for valid reasons.

5.5. The customer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true.

5.6. All prices related to the products or services presented on the website are expressed in Euros and include VAT.

5.7. The rates displayed on the website represent the price recommended by INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL without discounts. These rates are purely informative and have no legal value.

5.8. The invoicing of the purchased products is done exclusively in RON using the information provided by the user. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL is not responsible for the correctness of the information provided by the client for invoicing. Invoices are issued as follows: for payments made prior to receiving the products and services, an advance invoice is issued, and for payments made at the time of receiving the products, a final invoice is issued. Cancellation invoices are issued for corrections (cancellations, returns). All invoices are issued and registered automatically and included in fiscal reports.

5.9. Payment for products and/or services purchased through the service can be made online, with a debit card, with a card for installment payments, by bank transfer or upon delivery to the courier, in cash.

5.10. In the case of online payments with the INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL card, it is not/cannot be held responsible for any other additional costs borne by the customer, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by the bank issuing the card, if the currency of its issuance differs from RON. The responsibility for this action is borne by the client alone.

5.11. Payment in cash on delivery (to the courier) is a payment method available only in situations where it is agreed with the customer.

5.12. The information from the sales events used to describe the products, features available on the site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations / links to other sites, etc.) do not represent a contractual obligation on the part of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL, these being for the purpose of presentation. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL can withdraw a product offer or modify it at any time until the order is placed, without owing damages or other penalties to any potential customer.

5.13. In the images of the products and/or services, INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL reserves the right to use other products (accessories/etc.) that may not be included in the costs of the respective products and implicitly will not be delivered when purchasing the products. In this case, it is expressly specified in the product description which good or service is for sale.

5.14 In the unlikely event that INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL will not be able to honor part of the products, it will notify the customer by e-mail or telephone, offering him the possibility to cancel the order or remove the product from the order which can no longer be delivered.

Quality, guarantees, product delivery

6.1 INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL complies with the warranty provisions according to the Romanian legislation in force. The guarantee applies to the normal conditions of use and is valid only for the products purchased and paid for by the customer from INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL. The guarantee involves the reimbursement of the value for non-compliant products for which the customer notifies the company in writing within the legal term.

6.2. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL will issue and transmit to the client all the necessary documents certifying the purchase of products/services by the client according to the legislation in force.

6.3. DEA DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT SRL will facilitate informing the customer about the status of his order by sending an information email to the address indicated by him.

6.4. If the customer cancels an order with payment made in advance, by confirmed bank transfer or by the online card payment solution and in which the bank issuing the customer’s card has authorized the bank transaction, this amount will be reimbursed by INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL within a maximum of 14 days from the date on which INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL became aware of this fact.


7.1. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL does not ask users, by any means of communication (e-mail/telephone/SMS/etc.), for information regarding confidential data, bank accounts/cards or personal passwords.

7.2. The user/client assumes full responsibility for disclosing his confidential data to a third party.

7.3. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL declines any responsibility, in the event that a user/client is/is harmed in any way by a third party who claims to be/represent the interests of INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL.

7.4. The user/client will inform INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL about such attempts, using the contact details.

Limitation of liability

8.1. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL is exonerated from responsibility in the situation where the site or its content are used otherwise than within the limits of the articles constituting these Terms and Conditions.

8.2. If a user considers that a content sent by any means by INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL violates copyright or any other rights, he will contact, for details,INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL at contact@influ4umedia.com or 0734 866 604.

8.3. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites reached through links from the content, regardless of their nature. For the respective sites, the responsibility is fully borne by their owners.

Force majeure and fortuitous event

9.1. Except for the cases in which they have not expressly provided otherwise, none of the parties to a concluded contract, which is still in progress, will be responsible for the non-execution on time and/or in an appropriate manner, in whole or in part, of any of the obligations return under the contract, if the non-execution of the respective obligation was caused by a force majeure event.

9.2. The party (the legal representative) who invokes the event mentioned above is obliged to inform the other party, immediately and completely, of its occurrence and to take any measures available to him in order to limit the consequences of that event.

9.3. The party invoking the aforementioned event is exempt from this obligation only if the event prevents it from completing the contract.

9.4. If, within 15 days from the date of its occurrence, the respective event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party of the termination of the contract, without any of them being able to claim other damages-interests from the other.

9.5. The party invoking the force majeure event must prove the impossibility of fulfilling the obligations within 30 days from the date of occurrence of the event.


10.1. By using/visiting/viewing/etc the website and/or any content sent by INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL to the user/client by accessing and/or sending by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), he/she declares to agree at least with the provisions of the document “Terms and conditions”.

10.2. Any dispute with reference to this document that could arise between the user/client and INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, the conflict will be resolved by the competent court, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.

10.3. If any of the above clauses is found to be void or invalid, regardless of the cause, this clause will not affect the validity of the other clauses.

10.4. This document has been drafted and will be interpreted in accordance with Romanian legislation.

Final provisions

11.1. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL reserves the right to make any changes to these provisions, as well as any changes to the site/its structure/service without prior notification to the user or the client.

11.2. Within the limits of the Terms and Conditions, INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL cannot be held responsible for any errors that may appear on the site for any reason, including changes, settings, etc., which are not made by the site administrator.

11.3. INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL reserves the right to insert advertising banners of any nature and/or links on any page of the site, in compliance with the legislation in force.

Contact and other information

If there are any questions, comments, feedback, ideas or suggestions regarding INFLU4U MEDIA AGENCY SRL or the website www.influ4umedia.com, please contact us at 0734 866 604, from Monday to Friday, between at 09:00 and 18:00, or by email at contact@influ4umedia.com.